Hello! Have you been sleeping on our publication, not bought a copy? What are you waiting for? Don’t you want to become a better figure painter. Let us welcome you to the latest issue of the Fantasy Edition. We present The Figurementors Magazine – Fantasy Edition Issue 46! Learn how to paint figures with stunning tutorials from the experts! So what can you expect for your buck this month?
- Over 80 pages!
- Tutorials!
- Insights, Tips and Tricks
- Book Review
- New Paints Review
- Show Report
- Award winning design and top level content!
- Plus a figure gallery! You can also check out our Figurementors Painting Group on FACEBOOK!
This issues sees a plethora of standout projects that you have probably seen on social media and marvelled at how the hell did they paint that!? Well now you will find out. From Syndjinn’s version of Elric to the ghastly and perverted Slaanesh Knight from Evgeny. Then theres the wonderful tribute to Jodie Muir with Marian Hodas’ Executioner to the exceptional comic style art of Gimli by Timur. THE FIGUREMENTORS MAGAZINE – FANTASY EDITION ISSUE 46 – THE BEST CONTENT FROM THE HOBBY!
You probably will not need telling but creating a figure painting magazine is a lot of work. We could not do it without you, our loyal fanbase. We could not do it without the contributions from hobbyists from around the world. The team is so grateful and happy to be able to do this. We are dedicated to producing an invaluable resource for figure painters. Now and for the future.
Check out our back issues HERE
Look at our table of contents! Get ready to learn and be inspired!
Thanks for your continued support, The Figurementors Team!