Issue 4 is here and packed full with the best content available.
We have a mix of Artists including some true masters. Just check out the piece by Olga Kropotova, or that of Giuseppe de Carolis and Raffaele Nalin. Then we present another Best of Show project with Maurizio Berselli!
We have articles covering freehand, sculpting, painting skin tones, applying textures, an unmissable resource for the historical figure painter.
We delve into the life of Sergey Popovichenko and blur the genres of Fantasy and History when Angel Verdejo tackles Latorre’s Harald Skull Breaker.
Let’s not forget Roberto’s amazing work on a mounted figure, the passion and emotion in Wellhouser’s Viking bust or the informative writing of Claudio Antonucci!!
Truly there is something for everyone, so grab your copy and settle down for some reading these Winter nights!!
Issue 4 is here!
Viva La Historia!