Hello everyone, so Issue 4 of The Illustrated Fantasy Artist! (Now renamed The Figurementors Magazine – Fantasy Edition 4) is here! We have taken the feedback and in our opinion created an even better issue. We have also introduced a degree of interaction by creating hyperlinks in the Table of Content. This means you can go straight to your favourite article/s.
We are really proud of this issue and are so thankful to everyone that has made it happen. Figurementors firmly believe that this magazine can go on to become an invaluable resource for figure painters of all levels. here we are at Issue 4, we are only now getting warmed up! In our honest opinion, we have some awesome content lined up. We have put together a team that hopes to really push the boundaries at what’s possible with ezines!
In the past month or so we made every issue of both magazines the same cover price as our new, updated magazine. All full issues are now priced at £4.99! Any figure painter can improve their artistic skills by reading Figurementors magazines. You will learn from top fantasy and historical artists in every issue. Each issue is aimed to inspire and teach. With that in mind, there is every chance you can learn something new from our Historical Editions too.
We also have a Facebook Page and Group for Figurementors. We are always trying to find ways to engage with our audience and provide inspiration and support. So we would truly like to hear from you all about our products and activities. You can, therefore, leave feedback and suggestions at the Contact Us section on the site, through Facebook etc. It would also be super helpful after reading The Figurementors Magazine Fantasy Edition 4 if you to leave a recommendation on our Facebook page.
In The Figurementors Magazine Fantasy Edition 4 sees us with a smattering of “new kid on the block” figure painters such as Kara Nash, Dimosthenis Xylas and my friend Denniz Hedin-Salo along with the more established names such as Alessandro Marinone and Matt di Pietro. From community support to award-winning design to insightful articles to help you become a better painter! We truly do have something for everyone! Let’s go!
So that’s seven in-depth articles, plus an interview, plus a review and we still haven’t mentioned the Putty & Paint gallery! Figurementors has also started a new incentive with Museum of Miniatures (MuMi). The best part of a hundred pages for your hard-earned cash, get yours now!
In This Issue
Kara Nash – reveals the Art behind gamut masking for achieving harmonious colour composition on her Mama Buho.
Dimosthenis Xylas – The iconic News Marine gets a facelift and a ‘sync wave’ inspired paint job!
Denniz Hedin-Salo – Silencio brought to life, materialising from another realm, dead yet alive.
Matt di Pietro – this time is our interviewee. We get the lowdown on the man, his work and his thoughts on the hobby community.
Alessandro Marinone and Alessandro De Paoli – provide an insight into the sculpt and paintwork of a Paolo Parente inspired troll, soon a release from Kimera Models.
Javier Molina – creates the Primaris Dreadnought with a GreenStuff World difference.
Kristian Simonsen – provides a detailed account for those wishing to improve their skills starting with the basics, Preparation and Building.
Richard Sharp – fresh from his marathon efforts at Dogma 48 – we get the lowdown on how this innovative event went down!