
The Figurementors Magazine: Fantasy Edition Issue 12



The months of April, May and now June have seen some quite radical changes at  figurementors!  We continue streamlining the design and quality of the magazine. Resulting in the product you now see – The Figurementors Magazine – Fantasy Edition Issue 12. 


We believe in the quality of our magazine whilst also recognising the need to stay competitive and affordable. The new price also coincides with the magazines going to a monthly release format.  

Going monthly has proven a massive undertaking by the team. However, over time we have realised there is a lot happening over a two-month period! In order to stay relevant and up to date, a monthly magazine makes more sense. We really hope this is something our existing customers will appreciate. Perhaps it will also lead to attracting newer customers also. Without a loyal fanbase, Figurementors magazine could not continue to improve.  

We also have a Facebook Page and Group for Figurementors. We are always trying to find ways to engage with our audience and provide inspiration and support. We would truly like to hear from you all about our products and activities. You can leave feedback and suggestions at the Contact Us section on the site, through Facebook etc. If you have the time it would also be super helpful for you to leave a recommendation on our Facebook page which is slowly edging towards 5,000 LIKES. 


In The Figurementors Magazine – Fantasy Edition Issue 12 we interview award-winning, internationally recognised  Mirko Cavalloni a figure painter who breathes life and passion into his creations. We bring you two reviews, as we take a closer look at Road Girl (Rat Bike) from JourneyMan Miniatures  and a rather peculiar addition to the Trigger series from Nuts Planet, The StagKnight. Then there is  our Putty & Paint gallery and we have not even come to our four sensational tutorials!  

David Powell  provides the Figurementors Magazine with his thoughts and techniques on creating realistic Orc Skintones. Not all orcs are greenskins you know?


Julio Cabos  is our cover story this issue and we have been blown away by the quality of his informative writing. Here he explains how he has taken a classical approach to achieve colour harmony with his rendition of Luca Pina’s Song in the Forest. 

Benjamin Kantor has created a one-off masterpiece, a thing of real beauty incorporating the Faberge egg concept from Russian jewellery, into his vision of an Empress. From design, sculpt, cast and paint job, we present a glimpse of what it takes to produce something innovative. 

Jay Martin presents his ideas and knowledge of colour theory and composition in the creation of his most famous work, the Mushroom Shaman.  

So, there you have it, we hope you will enjoy The Figurementors Magazine Fantasy Edition Issue 12, in fact, we are sure you will!  

Stay Safe, Stay In and Paint!