We would like to start by saying thank you for your support during these troubled times. The cold, dark nights of winter are drawing in and we hope that our magazine provides you at least some solace. Welcome to The Figurementors Magazine – Fantasy Edition Issue 17.
We have been working very hard to maintain and excel the standards we have set ourselves. This issue has a wealth of informative material. Any figure painter can improve their artistic skills by reading Figurementors magazines because you will learn from top fantasy and historical Artists in every issue. Each issue is aimed to inspire and teach. With that in mind, there is every chance you can learn something new from our Historical Editions too.
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We are always trying to find ways to engage with our audience and provide inspiration and support. Therefore, we would truly like to hear from you all about our products and activities. Of course, you can leave feedback and suggestions at the Contact Us section on the site, through Facebook etc. If you have the time please leave a recommendation on our Facebook page.
In The Figurementors Magazine – Fantasy Edition Issue 17 we interview award-winning, internationally recognised, Michael Anderson. We have articles from Nikolas Mortensen, Rochell Parente, Luca Pirrera. Finally, our stunning cover story is brought to you by Slayer Sword winning Yohan Leduc.
In this Issue
Nikolas Mortensen – hailing from Denmark and mad about all things Games Workshop explains the importance of reflected lights to bring your figures to life.
Rochell Parente – a relative newcomer to my attention, paints up a triumvirate of Rockgut Troggoths in different settings: Forest, Ice and Lava.
Yohan Leduc – provides our stunning cover article on his approach and techniques for painting a Lord of Nurgle.
Michael Anderson – an iconic Golden Demon winner, steps into the hot seat as we interview him about all things miniature related.
Luca Pirrera – returns to our pages once more with another disturbing Dystopian nightmare vignette.
There you have it another cracking issue of The Figurementors Magazine!
Stay safe, happy reading!