Welcome to The Best of Fantasy Edition Volume 3. Thank you once again for your continued support, IT MEANS A LOT TO US! It seems almost a little surreal for my life and hobby to continue reasonable unaffected in light of the horrific events happening in the Ukraine. We support and pray for all of those affected by the events, words seem so futile but we hope for everyone that life returns to normal as soon as possible.
Last month we reached thirty issues of The Fantasy Edition so it was a perfect chance to create Volume 3 in the Best of series. This issue features 8 stunning tutorials, plucked from Issues 21-30. It is a bumper issue totalling 98 pages! No reviews, no adverts just solid gold content. These Best Of Fantasy volumes are aimed to be the perfect resource, lots of knowledge and techniques all in one piece!
Any figure painter can improve their artistic skills by reading Figurementors magazines because you will learn from top fantasy and historical Artists in every issue. So, each issue is aimed to inspire and teach. With that in mind, there is every chance you can learn something new from our Historical Editions too.
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Figurementors are always trying to find ways to engage with our audience and provide inspiration and support. Therefore, we would truly like to hear from you all about our products and activities. Of course, you can leave feedback and suggestions at the Contact Us section on the site, through Facebook etc. If you have the time please leave a recommendation on our Facebook page.
The Best of Fantasy Edition Volume 3 – CONTENT, CONTENT, CONTENT!
Check out the table of contents below!
Many thanks! Stay Safe!
The Figurementors Team!