There is so much to discuss about this issue, so many things that are new and exciting, for instance our collaboration with the quality led RPmodels or the supportive partnership we continue to develop with the forum Planet Figure. We have articles focused on painting with oils, develop atmosphere, historical accuracy and perspective. We have innovations galore along with a wealth of traditional knowledge. It is hard to pinpoint what makes this Issue so strong, so instead just buy your copy, sit back and soak up the knowledge!
Content includes articles by Hugo Pereira, Luca Gubitosi, Marc Masclans, Jakob Villien, Fabio Fiorenza, Andrea Guidarelli, Lorenzo Evangelista, Luc Klinkers (and my personal favourite) Pavel Gurianov! Throw in a gallery from Putty & Paint, an expose and celebration of Planet Figure and their online competition and a review of a Pegaso classic and I’m sure you will agree we have something for everyone that loves the historical genre.