The Best of Historical Edition – Volume 4 is a little celebration of The Figurementors Magazine! This volume brings you six of the very best articles that we presented during the course of issues 31-40. No reviews, no adverts, nothing but the very best in figure painting content!
We always try to present an issue that has a collection of eras, techniques and figure types. This issue is no different. We also try to encourage contributors to write in their own style and leave a personal touch. Otherwise, articles become a little drab and monotonous. That being said, each article has been reedited, reformatted and redesigned. As we have developed as editors and designers so we wanted to put a fresh spin on the articles.
The Best of Historical Edition – Volume 4 – WE HOPE TO CONTINUE TO SET THE BAR AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE.
We are dedicated to producing an invaluable resource for figure painters. Now and for the future. You can also check out our Figurementors Painting Group on FACEBOOK!
In The Best of Historical Edition – Volume 4 we provide inspiration and knowledge in equal measure.
From the use of textures, painting realistic muted tones, tackling different materials, understanding light and shadow, metallics and verdaccio undercoats for skin painting. We have got it covered. Check out our back issues HERE
David paints up this now iconic bust from Figone with a study in light and shadow placement.
Steve Jourdains’s THE GIRL WITH A PEARL
Steve paints up the beautiful bust from Alexandros Models sculpted by Anastasiya Podorozhna.
Niko Ableev’s CRUSADERS
Niko explains his process for sculpting and painting a scene depicting the Third Crusades.
James uses the classic Verdaccio approach to paint this emotive bust from Sabot Miniatures.
Sergey Popovichenko’s ROMAN LEGIONARY DACIA 101AD
Sergey describes his ultra realistic approach to painting a 90mm figure from Andrea Miniatures.
Vincenzo Gambino’s WWII GERMAN MG42 GUNNER
Vincenzo works on this classic sculpted by Sang-Eon Lee for Life Miniatures.
So there you have it! Until the next time!
Happy Painting, Inspired Reading, Stay Safe!
The Figurementors Team.