Hello everyone, welcome to my little tutorial on how I apply Gory Blood Effects. I have made quite a name for myself with my gritty and realistic way of painting. I love applying special effects. There are lots of different steps and techniques in my work. Here I will talk about one such technique I use. I think it gives great results and its quick and easy too! This is what you will need:
- Blood For The Blood God by Citadel
- Tamiya Clear Red
- Black Paint
- Blue Paint
- Glass or Ceramic Palette
- Sharp Blade
First off and perhaps a little surprising, grab yourself a Blue and Black paint. The type or tone is not important, any will do. Then create an equal mix of the two colours and mix in the Tamiya Clear Red. Allow it to dry on your palette. You don’t want to use a wet palette, just a tile or even a saucer will do.
Once the dark coloured blood mixture dries, I scratch and scrape the dried mixture from the surface using a sharp blade. Indeed you can use any other tool that would work. It won’t take too long to dry and there is nothing technical or complicated about the process. Indeed, more care and attention will be required at the next stage, applying it to the figure or vehicle. These special effects can look great but think about where you will apply it and work in small steps. You can always add more until you are happy with the finish.
So, now we just mix in the dried chunks into the Citadel Technical Paint titled Blood for the Blood God! Now, working efficiently before the mix dries, apply to your model anywhere where blood would be appropriate! If you don’t finish before it dries, just repeat the process again! Easy!
You can see this technique and others in effect on a lot of my projects. Check out my Putty & Paint gallery HERE.