Creating Corrosion Effects on your Warhammer Figures and Vehicles – Introduction
In all my years, and all the painting sessions I’ve sat through and enjoyed, I have come to a conclusion. There are many, many, many ways to Creating Corrosion Effects on your Warhammer Figures and Vehicles! It is possible while using several different weathering products to achieve the same results. For this Step By Step I am going to show how the use of two different products can achieve corrosive textures on scale models. The two products are:
- AK Interactives Corrosion Texture
- Vallejo Weathering Effects Thick Mud (specifically Brown Mud and Russian Mud).
In the first example on Creating Corrosion Effects on your Warhammer Figures and Vehicles I have already sketched in on the borders of this panel the rough shapes of the formed corrosion.
The borders are where I am going to apply these gritty acrylics. I then applied the AK Interactive Corrosion Textures (this is the lighter coloured texture). Next I applied the Vallejo product by mixing the Brown and Russian Muds together. The following image shows the comparison of the two textures. At this point I washed on liberally Agrax Earthshade( by GW). I used multiple coats on the AK Interactive texture simply because it was lighter in colour and wanted the same dark tone as the Vallejo. Basically five or six washes to get a nice dark colour.
Another Way
The next few steps will illustrate how to achieve rusted colour. Specifically, AK Interactive third generation Rust Paint Set. I am doing these extra steps to show how closely the products resemble one another.
I started out using the dark rust to accentuate the red/brown color of a realistic rusted surface. I stippled this on with a tiny brush in a light dabbing motion.
Next I used medium rust to pick out random spots and patches. I did a few passes to build up the intensity of the rust on small sections of the panel.
At this point I did streaks using medium rust and stepped up the highlights a bit more on the rust and added some stains.
In conclusion, Creating Corrosion Effects on your Warhammer Figures and Vehicles can be achieved using different products, there is always an alternative! Be sure to check out my other tutorials HERE!
Thanks for reading my ramblings once more! Check out my other painting projects over at Putty & Paint!